Do you only know aloe vera? Cactus takes you away from dry skin

Do you only know aloe vera? Cactus takes you away from dry skin

The cactus has strong vitality and amazing water holding capacity, which can ensure that it still stores a lot of water in the extreme environment of the desert. Cactus extract has excellent effects on skin moisturizing, aging prevention, skin protection, etc. The antioxidants in cactus fruit are seven times more than vitamin C. Since the past 1,000 years, the women of the royal family and the Berbers of Morocco have used cactus extracts in beauty skin care.

Ready to add cactus into your routine? 

MEBO Rose Handcream


Take care of your hands with nature's power and inject cactus extracts to deeply moisturize and protect your hands from weather and housework damage.



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